
Philly Joy Bank does not want to know everything about your lifestyle. They just want to give you the support that you need.


Philly Joy Bank’s pilot provides 250 pregnant Philadelphians with $1,000 per month from the second trimester of pregnancy through one year after birth.  

Families will also be offered voluntary assistance including financial counseling, home visits, doula help, and lactation support.

Philadelphia Community Action Network (CAN)

Philly Joy Bank was developed by the Philadelphia Community Action Network (CAN), a collective impact stakeholder group whose goal is to reduce racial disparities in the city’s infant mortality by fostering a learning community and coordinating cross-sector actions.

CAN members include local parents, doctors, researchers, policy workers, birth workers, and mental health professionals.

Philly Joy Bank Steering Committee

A multisector group of stakeholders responsible for program design and implementation decisions.

  • “As a doula, a Black woman, and a new mom, I'm thrilled to witness Philly Joy Bank alleviate financial burdens that I often see weighing on mothers during what can already be an overwhelming time. These unrestricted funds will enhance the well-being of mothers and their families as a whole.”

Nia Coaxum, MPH

  • “What I love the most about Philly Joy Bank is that it affirms that each birthing person knows what they need best, and it empowers people to meet their needs in the way that they best see fit.”

Nia Samuels

Chaquita Calloway

  • “I am most excited about Philly Joy Bank because it will offer much needed support to pregnant Philadelphians. This initiative has the potential to reduce everyday stress. PJB could be the solution to the dilemma of choosing between feeding your family and keeping your utilities on.”

George Dalembert, MD, MSHP

  • "As a pediatrician, I recognize that people's finances drive so much of their health. Philly Joy Bank provides a unique and exciting opportunity to get us one step closer to people being able to live their best lives by ensuring that people have the financial resources they need to thrive.”

Maria Huynh, MPH, CPH

  • "It's incredibly exciting to witness the Philly Joy Bank's transformation from a small idea into a full-fledged program. This initiative will profoundly impact people's lives by reducing stress and creating opportunities for improved health and JOY. I am incredibly proud of everyone who contributed to bringing this program to life."

Imani Davis

  • “Philly Joy Bank is special because it focuses on families in areas of the city that have the highest infant mortality rates and the goal is to help reduce these rates. I would encourage people to apply by letting them know there are no strings attached and how much the monthly payments would have helped me and my family, it could be life changing for the better!”

Nadia Haerizadeh-Yazdi, PhD

  • “Philly Joy Bank is an opportunity for you to feel empowered to make decisions that best suit you and your family’s circumstances and priorities. Participating in the program also comes with the added benefit of access to resources and guidance. Apply today!”

Yuan He, MD, MPH

  • “As a mom, I know how stressful pregnancy and parenthood can be—and as a pediatrician, I know how that stress affects our health and well-being. I can’t wait for Philly Joy Bank to start helping parents and families have a little more breathing room to lean into the JOY of having a new baby!”

  • “I see Philly Joy Bank as an exciting and innovative way to improve birth outcomes for vulnerable birthing people by alleviating their financial stress during pregnancy and the first year of their child’s life.”

Abike James, MD, MPH

Sara Jann

  • “What excites me most about the Philly Joy Bank is how the program prioritizes the dignity and autonomy of pregnant Philadelphians, reimagining the way we address inequity and racial disparities in birth outcomes.”

  • “Philly Joy Bank is exciting to me because it is led and influenced by lived experience experts and community members at every level of decision making.”

Galissa Jones

Stacey Kallem, MD, MSHP

  • “I want people to know that there really are no strings attached! We want people to use the cash however they see fit to support themselves and their families.”

Jessie Kemmick Pintor, PhD, MPH

  • “I am thrilled about the Philly Joy Bank and its “no strings attached” approach. The PJB’s unconditional approach values the autonomy of pregnant and birthing people, and demonstrates trust that pregnant and birthing people know better than anyone else what is best for them and their family.”

Ronnda Montgomery

  • “Philly Joy Bank is special to me because it is important to my community. To see that somewhere somebody is hearing the cry of the single parent and the struggle that comes with it. I too struggle with being a single parent and know how inspiring it can be to know that some help is coming and I don't have to chop my hand off to get it.”

Pam Newman

  • “Philly Joy Bank is special because it focuses on families in areas of the city that have the highest infant mortality rates and the goal is to help reduce these rates. I would encourage people to apply by letting them know there are no strings”

Ariel Presley

  • “What excites me most about Philly Joy Bank is that we get to be a blessing to those who need it the most. It is more blessed to give than receive.”

Lydia Seymour

  • “As a Black woman and mother, I am filled with excitement at the opportunity to spread JOY amidst the sadness in Philadelphia. Mama, I encourage you as you apply to know that every detail was carefully crafted with you in mind as the top priority.”

Ayomide Sokale, MPH

  • “Philly Joy Bank is such a special program because it offers unconditional funds and support services. Pregnancy and early childhood can be stressful and expensive, and we want to help and support people during this time—unconditionally.”

Marion Wilson

  • “I am profoundly enthusiastic about the prospect of parents receiving a much-needed reprieve from the relentless financial pressures that can overshadow the joy of family life. Philly Joy Bank stands as a vital support system, reinforcing the foundational principle that family should always come first.”

Philly Joy Bank Partners

The Division of Maternal, Child, and Family Health of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health serves as the backbone organization supporting Philly Joy Bank and provides administrative, leadership, and staffing support. 

The Philadelphia City Fund (Fund) works in close partnership with the City of Philadelphia and private sector partners to develop and run initiatives that reflect mayoral priorities and seek to improve the quality of life for all Philadelphians. The Fund serves as the fiscal sponsor for Philly Joy Bank.

Philly Joy Bank Supporters

Tia, Aisha, and Ciara are all residents of the selected Philadelphia neighborhoods (Strawberry Mansion, Nicetown Tioga, or West Philly). They volunteered to share their stories and opinions with the Philly Joy Bank team.

Philly Joy Bank Models